We Can Tell You What It’s Worth
Barliant Auctions, and our sister company, Barliant & Co., are recognized leaders for appraisal services within the food processing industry. We are widely experienced and maintain a broad commercial network. We believe in integrity, protecting confidential information, and effective, timely results.
Our clients include healthy companies in need of asset valuations for insurance or financial purposes, leasing companies, bank loan departments, bankruptcy attorneys and trustees, investment firms and venture capitalists, start-up companies, and more.
While we are known for our food processing expertise, we maintain a broad range of contacts across many different industries and can provide appraisal services for a wide variety of commercial, industrial, and personal assets.
Whether you are considering an auction or just wanting a true valuation of your assets, our experienced team is here to help. If you have specific information you can or wish to share, simply fill out the form at the right or contact us today.
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